Victorious Mind Power
Victorious Mind Power is a platform for effective coaching and online programmes.
We combine motivation architecture, spiritual strategy, creative mindset transformation methods, NLP, metaphysical principles and the law of attraction to empower people to WIN over challenges.
We help you achieve victory at work, success in relationships, love, and catapult your confidence and self worth.
Our first flagship programme is called
‘The Perfect Soulmate Programme'

Hey There...
I strongly believe in living my life to its highest potential and a big part of that by helping others.
I help people achieve their dreams and goals by offering practical advice, strengthening tangible foundation blocks and applying spiritual strategies that empower people to WIN.
I'm Aarti
I am a motivation architect, a spiritual strategist and a victorious mindset coach.
Most People know me as an actor, model and director.
Are you looking for
your Life Partner?
Are you tired of being SINGLE?
Are you worried about how you're going to find TRUE LOVE in the form of your ideal life partner in the current situation?
If you are feeling anxious about your relationship goals - Don't!
Allow us to show you why this is the most PERFECT TIME to work on yourself to attract the right person into your life, and what this self-work is all about...

Let’s Engage

When we are no longer able to change the situation, we have to change ourselves.
From feeling like a victim to feeling like a creator. I am grateful to VMP for handholding me trough the foundation course that helped me rebuild my life with a brand new mindset and a new sight.
VMP helped me make the right choices and create new ones where there were none.The right choices catapulted my progress in my work, and personal space.
35, Rachna M Kapoor
Graphic Designer

Being very analytical, logical and realistic, I never believed in 'energies' or 'self-work'. I thank my sister Saumia for pushing me to enrol for the Perfect Soulmate programme which helped me open up my energies, and turned my life around 360 degrees for the better. I found the love of my life in the 8th week of the Perfect Soulmate Program and we are happily married now. But more than anything, the programme taught me how to tap into the infinite potential field around me which I use in so many other ways. Thank you VMP.
32, Mihir Kaushal
Hardware Engineer
New Delhi

Being a complete workaholic , I had overlooked my personal life, and finding a soulmate. Thanks to the perfect soulmate programme, I found my life partner right after completing the 10 week self work. It all seemed like a coincidence and I had kept the programme enrolment a complete secret, until I realised that more people should actually know about it to be able to benefit by these very accurate tools and techniques. Its been woven together with precision. Well explained, Well executed and result oriented.
36, Devna Iyer

The Perfect Soulmate Programme is for people like me who had given up on love. If your in a place where you feel that you need a miracle to save your love life and relationship goals - THIS IS IT. From working on cleansing a toxic past to creating a canvas for an entirely brand new dream come true reality, The Programme has done it for me. I am completely in love with my to-be better-half and due to marry next month.
33, Shekhar Gonsalves
Technical Head (Telecom/ISP)

If you look into the mirror , and feel you look amazing, ask yourself, do you 'feel amazing' too? We all have that feeling of 'something is missing' in my life deep inside, and for me it was feeling 'true love' and a 'life partner'.
I kept being attracted to the wrong people until I finally was able to manifest my ideal life partner.Now I feel comfortable in my skin,I feel happy and cared for, and loyalty isn't something I need to worry about anymore. Thanks to the perfect soulmate programme I was able to shift my frequencies and clean out my negative belief systems that were causing bad patterns in my life. Highly recommended!